BioBlitz at Salt Lick Point Valmeyer

Biological Treasure Hunt and Festival at Salt Lick Point Land & Water Reserve

June 1, 2011 clifftop CliffNotes

BioBlitz field trip, T. Rollins

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld occasionally rhapsodized to the press about varieties of “known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns.” The mystery and challenges of discovery – the ability to transfer the unknown into the column marked known – is a continual stimulus. That urge to know brought 52 scientists and naturalists to Valmeyer’s […]


BioBlitz at Salt Lick Point ValmeyerFestival of the Bluffs 2011Natural History in Monroe St. Clair and Randolph Counties IllinoisSalt Lick Point LWR

Biological Diversity Serves Us!

April 5, 2011 clifftop CliffNotes

waterfall, D. FitzWilliam

Our Mississippi River bluff land corridor is one of the most diverse natural areas in Illinois. The corridor constitutes its own ecosystem– the Northern Ozark Natural Division– and stands on its own singular geologic formation — the Salem Plateau– both science-based measures of the region’s uniqueness in the state. An ecosystem is simply the sum […]


Bio-diversity and human healthBioBlitz at Salt Lick Point ValmeyerEcological Systems ServicesNatural History in Monroe St. Clair and Randolph Counties Illinoistick-born diseases

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